Scheduling Tips for Pain-Free Roof Management
Roof management can be simple. We know that this is not the case for the vast majority of property managers. For many, it is a source of wasted time, unforeseen expenses, and frustrated attempts to eliminate leaks and keep tenants happy.
Whether you manage a sleek new building with a high-performance roof, or an aged multi-tenant facility with a roof that looks like a patchwork quilt from 1895, there is one step you can take that will simplify your life and deliver improved performance: create a schedule.
How? We suggest sometime in July-August of every year you lay out a predictable roof management schedule for the next three years. Sound overwhelming? Let's break it down:
Spring Assessment and Cleaning
When: March-May
Plan: Engage a qualified consultant or contractor to perform your springtime roof assessment; engage site maintenance or your roofing contractor to perform cleaning.
Required Submittals: require (do not pay until you receive!) an assessment report with photo documentation of spring cleaning, an updated serviceable roof life estimate, Â 5-year budgets, and a list of of near-, mid-, and long-term suggested management actions AND crucially, a list of any maintenance items that can be scheduled for the Fall maintenance scope. Make sure that the scope for fall repairs specifies products to be used.
Fall Assessment, Cleaning, and Proactive Maintenance*
*if recommended in Spring visit
When: (July-September)
Plan: Engage your qualified roofing contractor to assess the roof, clean the roof, and perform proactive repairs if advisable.
Required Submittals: Report with before and after photos and budget updates
Fall Budgeting
When: August-October
Plan: You should now have an updates budget forecast. Get approvals, and get the next year in your budget.
Winter Bidding
When: October-January
Plan: Bid out any major scopes (large OPEX or CAPEX) for the following year. If there are none, simply get your updated contracts for Spring Assessment and Fall Maintenance in place.
With the right tools, team, and schedule, roof management can be simple.
Check out our Spring Maintenance Checklist as a way to start your annual cadence.
And be in touch if you have any further questions or concerns.